Blue & White
Shade Container Garden
Blue & White Shade Container Garden
Shade Project
Project time: 20 Minutes
Season: Spring/Summer
The color palette of the plants was inspired by the blue and white painted ceramic container. The blue and white tones are echoed with blue and white Torenia (Wishbone flower) and white Caladiums. Foxtail fern provides a soft texture.
Fill the container 2/3 full of potting soil, remove the plants from their pots and arrange them in the soil. Dig them into place and fill around the root balls with additional potting soil. Water in well.

- A - Foxtail Fern
- B - Caladium
- C - Coleus
- D - Blue Torenia
- E - White Torenia
Shopping List
- 1 - Oblong container 18 inches long
- 1 - 6 inch Foxtail Fern
- 1 - 6 inch Caladium
- 1 - 6 inch Coleus
- 2 - 4 inch Blue Torenia
- 2 - 4 inch White Torenia
- 1 bag - Dr. Earth Root Zone fertilizer
- 1 bag - Pike Potting Soil