Analogous Color Container Garden
Analogous Color Container Garden
Full Sun Project
Time: 30 Minutes
Analogous colors are colors that are close to each other on the color wheel, such as red/orange/yellow or magenta/purple/blue (which is what we've done in our container here). Analogous color schemes are harmonious, pleasing to the eye and can often be found in nature - so it's easy to create this color story with flowers! When choosing your own analogous colors, just do an Internet search for a color wheel to use as your guide when planning your colors and plants. As always, use the thriller/filler/spiller method when selecting plants and group plants together that like the same amount of sunlight and water.
A - Angelonia pink
B - Angelonia purple
C - Vinca
D - Lobelia
E - Dianthus
F - Petunia
Shopping List
- 1 - Pot of your choice 13 inch
- 1 - Angelonia pink 4.3 inch
- 1 - Angelonia purple 4.3 inch
- 1 - Vinca 'Cora Cascade Pink' 4.3 inch
- 2 - Lobelia 'Dark Blue' 4.3 inch
- 1 - Dianthus 'Telstar Purple' 4 inch
- 2 - Petunia purple ('Wave' or 'Ramblin' trailing type) 4 inch
- Pike Potting & Container Soil
- Dr. Earth Annual Bloom Organic Fertilizer