Container Garden
Invite Beneficial Ladybugs to your garden
DIY Ladybug Container Garden
Full Sun Project
Project time: 45 minutes
Create this container garden decoration for a ladybug themed party. The rich reds and purples of the Geranium, Pentas, Coleus, and Potato vine will compliment the colors of the ladybug theme. And, the Cosmos and Lobelia are favorite plants of ladybugs. They will attract and help keep ladybugs in your garden.

A - Red Geranium
B - Purple potato vine
C - Coleus
D - Red Pentas
E - White Cosmos
F - Purple fountain grass
G - White Lobelia

Shopping LIst
- 1- large glazed container 38 inches wide or bigger
- 1 - 1 gallon Purple Fountain grass
- 1 - 4 inch Coleus
- 1 - quart Lantana
- 1 - 6 inch Dahlia
- 1 - 4 inch Zinnia
- 1 - 4 inch Salvia
- 1 - 4 inch Geranium
- 1 - bag Potting Soil
- 1 - bag Dr. Earth Root Zone fertilizer