February Lawn & Garden Tips
For the Lawn
- Crabgrass Preventer. Mid-month apply the first application of crabgrass preventer to control grassy weeds in all types of lawns.
- Fertilize Fescue Lawns. Fertilize Fescue for the first time with Atlanta Turf Special Lawn Fertilizer.
- Mow Monkey Grass. Clean up monkey grass by cutting it with the lawnmower. Make sure your mower is set to its highest setting.
For the Birds
- Make Room for the Birds. Clean out birdhouses so they will be ready to welcome new residents in a few weeks.
- Keep Feeding. Be sure to keep feeders full to attract and keep birds in your yard.
In the Garden
- Don't Forget your Sweetheart. Roses are always a favorite and Pike Nurseries has the best selection of rose bushes. Plant bare-root roses in February and March.
- Plant Daphne. Winter Daphne (Daphne odora) is in bloom. Plant by entrances and walkways and enjoy its sweet scent.
- Prune Now, Enjoy this Spring. Now is the time to clean up the garden. Prune dormant trees, crape myrtles, roses, ornamental grasses, and deciduous shrubs and any overgrown shrubs missed pruning in January can still be pruned in February. Wait to prune spring-flowering plant until after they bloom like Encore Azaleas, Camellia japonica, and Forsythia.
- Spray for Control. Now is the time to spray fruit trees and other trees with dormant oil for insect and disease control.
- Veggie Time. Prepare vegetable beds by applying lime, mushroom compost or composted manure as needed. Plant cool-season vegetable plants like onions, asparagus and English peas in late February.
- Plan Summer Bulbs. Use Spring bulbs that are starting to bloom as a reminder to plan what summer bulbs you would like to plant. Bulbs such as dahlias, caladium, gladiolus, canna, asparagus, potatoes, onions, elephant ear arrive this month at your local Pike Nurseries.
In the House
- Adjust Watering. The key to healthy houseplants is water but because of the reduced light intensity, houseplants may not need to be watered as often as they do when they are actively growing. Use a moisture meter to measure and help you determine the water needs. If leaves are turning yellow cut back on the water.
- Bring Garden Color Indoors. Cut and enjoy a few Spirea, Forsythia, and flowering Quince branches and place them in vases indoors.
- Turn your Plants: Turn houseplants halfway so they don't grow too much toward the light.