March Lawn and Garden Tips
In the Garden
- Start Planting. Start planting or filling in the backbone of your garden with trees, shrubs, and vines.
- Prune Camellias. Once camellias are done blooming give them a light pruning and then feed them with Dr. Earth Acid Lovers Azalea, Camellia, Rhododendron & Maple Fertilizer.
- Scrumptious Strawberries. Mid to late March is the ideal time for planting strawberries that you can enjoy throughout spring.
- Spring Bulbs. Remember where the spring-flowering bulbs were planted? Fertilize that area with one pound of Dr. Earth Spectacular Bulb Food per 100 sq. ft. of bed.
- Plan for Summer Garden Color. Now is the best time to buy summer bulbs like Gladiola, Cannas, Iris, Dahlias, and Lilies. Wait until mid-April to plant.
- Kill Poison Ivy and Kudzu. Spray Poison Ivy and Kudzu vines as soon as they appear with Kleen-Up.
In the House
- Keep Them Growing. Make sure to fertilize houseplants and repot them if needed.
- Vacationing Outdoors. If some houseplants will be moving outdoors for summer make sure to give them a more roomy pot. The sun will cause their roots to grow more quickly.
For the Lawn
- Reseed Fescue. When the weather begins to warm, reseed your Fescue lawn or just plant seed in the bare spots.
- Apply a Pre-Emergent for Crabgrass and Weed Control. In early March, apply a pre-emergent herbicide to established lawns to help control summer weeds. Remember, once you apply a pre-emergent, you can't reseed for at least 6 weeks - determine if reseeding or a weed preventer is more important for your lawn. Do not apply crabgrass preventer if you reseed your fescue lawn.
- Sharpen the Blades. Spring showers bring growing lawns. Sharpen your lawnmower blades or replace them now in preparation for spring and summer.
For the Birds
- Attract Bluebirds. Bluebirds are common to the South but are quite picky where they choose to nest. Put up your bluebird houses now so they are ready when the bluebirds arrive.
- Feed the Hummingbirds. Put up at least one hummingbird feeder in your yard and keep it clean and full to attract colorful hummingbirds.