September Lawn & Garden Tips
In the Garden
- Fall is for Planting Enjoy fall shrubs with blooms and berries such as Encore Azaleas, Camellias, Witch Hazel, Cotoneaster, Dogwoods, Beautyberry, Holly, Honeysuckle and Pyracantha. Divide or transplant spring-blooming perennials.
- More Color Please Bring back the color in your garden by replanting a fall crop of annual flowers - Geraniums, Petunias or Zinnias in the full sun. Once temperatures really cool down, replace your warm-season annuals with Pansies and Violas.
- Plant Perennials Plant Asters, Joe Pye Weed, Chrysanthemum, Japanese Anemone and Ornamental Grasses for fall color.
- Play with Ornamental Grasses These versatile plants provide four seasons of interest and are often at their best during the fall when their "plumes" appear. They are durable, low maintenance plants and are rarely affected by insects or diseases. Looks aren't everything. Not only do they add distinction to the landscape, but they also add aspects of motion and sound. The gentle waving motion of the grasses and the accompanying sounds create a peaceful atmosphere.
- Garden for Food Cool-season vegetable seeds and seedlings can be planted. Try cabbage, lettuce, beets, turnips, spinach, radishes, collards and broccoli; be sure to water thoroughly after planting.
In the Home
- Watch the Water As the humidity decreases you may need to adjust your watering frequency. If the plants are wilting increase the watering. If you see yellow spots on the tips of the foliage reduce watering.
For the Lawn
- Keep it Going Continue to mow, edge and water as needed. The best time to mow is in the evening when the grass is dry and temperatures have cooled.
- To Fertilize or Not Fertilize Fescue should be fertilized towards the middle of the month with a 29-0-5 Lawn Food and Bermuda will benefit from a "winterizer" fertilizer applied six weeks before you estimate the first frost. Do Not fertilize Zoysia, Centipede or St. Augustine grasses.
- Plant Fescue seed. Use 6 pounds of seed per 1000 square feet and mulch with wheat straw to hold soil moisture and protect the seed from birds.
- Prevent Weeds The middle of September is the time to apply a pre-emergent like Pike Crabgrass Preventer to Bermuda, Centipede and Zoysia lawns to prevent winter lawn weeds.
For the Birds
- Squirrel Problems? Keep squirrels away with special squirrel proof feeders like the Droll Yankees that won't support the weight of squirrels. Unlike birds, squirrels have sensitive taste buds and won't eat anything spicy - feed your birds with spicy bird food.