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Lucky Houseplants

peace lily

Video: Choosing Lucky Houseplants

Houseplants are known to be healthy and they certainly can make us happy! But, did you know that many houseplants are said to be lucky? If you're looking to make a little luck of your own, here are 10 gorgeous houseplants that can help!

Lucky Houseplants

lucky bamboo

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is associated with Feng Shui principals. The number of stalks means different things: 3 stalks bring happiness and longevity, 5 stalks bring wealth, and 6 stalks bring good luck. Place lucky bamboo in bright, indirect light; direct sunlight will burn the leaves. The plant can grow in water or in potting soil. If grown in water only, change it out weekly to prevent algae growth and use distilled water or tap water left out for a day to let chlorine evaporate. If using potting soil, keep the soil consistently moist but not soaked. Lucky bamboo prefers warmer temperatures, so keep away from drafty doors in the winter and AC in the summer.
money plant

Money Plant

Said to bring luck and wealth when you have 3 or 5 braided stems. Avoid 4 stems, which is an unlucky number in Feng Shui. The easy-care money plant likes bright, indirect light and consistent watering (when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry). It's a tropical plant, so it can tolerate some outside time in the warmer months, but it also likes humidity so be considerate of its water needs inside or outside. Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn its leaves. Use a good potting soil like Pike Potting & Container Soil and fertilize lightly - every other month - with a balanced houseplant fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Plant Food.
peace lily

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are a sign of good will and harmony, which is why they're often given as gifts. It's said they promote the flow of good energy in the home. Peace lilies can tolerate low to medium light, but to get the plant to flower it will need bright, indirect light. They prefer consistent moisture, but not standing water. The peace lily's leaves will start to droop when it needs water, but don't rely on this trick regularly; leaf tips will turn brown with too much inconsistent watering. Use a good potting soil like Pike Potting & Container Soil and fertilize lightly - every other month - with a balanced houseplant fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Plant Food.
jade plant

Jade Plant

A traditional gift for new business owners or homeowners. A jade plant near the entrance of your home or business is supposed to bring prosperity and success. Jade plants are resilient, easy-care plants known to live a long time. Give them medium to bright indirect light and keep them consistently watered in well-draining soil like Black Gold Cactus Mix. Keep temperatures consistent and keep them away from drafty windows and doors during winter. If it starts to look "leggy" trim back new top growth so the plant fills out more.


Early Irish people believed the shamrock (3-leaf clover) had special powers and some consider it holy because St. Patrick supposedly used a shamrock to illustrate the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. And if you find the rare 4-leave clover in your shamrock, then luck is coming your way. Shamrock foliage comes in green or purple. The plant likes light but not heat, so be sure to keep the plant away from direct sunlight during the hottest times of the year. Water when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Shamrock goes dormant in the summer; at that time, limit its water, move it to a dark space, and forego the fertilizer. When new shoots start to appear in the fall, move the plant back to a bright spot and resume regular waterings and monthly fertilizing with a balanced houseplant fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Plant Food.

Hawaiian Ti Plant

Early Polynesians believe this plant had mystical powers. It's said to bring good fortune and if two stalks grow in the same pot, it can double luck and love. Cordyline's pretty variegated foliage and low maintenance make it a popular houseplant. Give it bright, indirect light and keep the soil consistently moist. They're tropical, so they like humidity. If humidity is low in your home, give it a spritz on a regular basis in addition to the usual watering. This plant also likes consistent warmth (low 60s or above), so keep it away from drafty windows or doors in winter.


According to Feng Shui principals, orchids bring good fortune in love. They can help improve current relationships or increase the chances of attracting a new romance. Orchids need bright, indirect light. They are best planted in a well-draining medium like Black Gold Orchid Mix or sphagnum moss and should be re-planted every couple of years to refresh the planting medium. These tropical beauties are very susceptible to overwatering. Use the "touch test" (stick your finger in the soil 1-2 inches) to determine if the plant needs water. Allow it to dry out a little bit between each watering. They enjoy humidity as well, so if your home is on the dry side, place the plant on top of a tray of pebbles with a little water to help increase the humidity (but the water shouldn't touch the pot's bottom; too much saturation will lead to root rot). Fertilize every other week with a specialized fertilizer like Miracle-Gro Orchid Food.


Aztecs considered a flowering cactus auspicious; it symbolizes good luck and good news to come. Cacti love lots of bright light and performs best in a well-draining soil like cactus mix. Allow the soil to dry between waterings and use a specialized fertilizer like Cactus Juice during its growing period (spring and summer). Allow the plant to go dormant in the winter to encourage blooms; put them in a cool, bright space and reduce watering to about once a month. In spring, return them to a warm spot with as much light as possible.


Rosemary is believed to ward off bad luck and help you remember things. To grow rosemary indoors successfully, they need lots and lots of bright light. A south-facing window should get the 6-8 hours the plant needs each day. Rosemary likes well-draining soil that's a little on the dry side. Use the "touch test" and water the container when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. Do not let the plant dry out completely; it will affect root growth. Keep the plant out of humid rooms like bathrooms and kitchens to avoid mildew.
lemon tree


Lemons and limes are said to bring health, wealth, and longevity while clearing away negative energy. Dwarf varieties of citrus can be grown indoors in our region. Give them lots of bright, indirect light and consistently moist soil. Fertilize every couple months with organic Dr. Earth Fruit Tree Fertilizer during spring and summer. Put the containers outside during warm months and bring them inside once temps dip below 50°. Citrus fruit only ripens on the tree, so wait until they're ripe before harvesting!